Monday, October 31, 2011

Weekend Introduction to NT for Church Facilitators

The next step after our VISION Seminar which you participated in on Friday will/could be a Thursday and Friday evening and all day Saturday session.

A sample format would be:

Biblical Basis of Wholistic Transformation.
What is Good Health and a Community
Intoduction to ABCD

Gathering Primary and Secondary Information and Choosing Best Neighborhood.
Acquiring and Retaining Volunteers Overview.
Knowing Your Neighbors
Working with Your Elementary School.
Using a lesson Plan
Practice Teaching.

After attending this weekend event you would then be qualified to obtain the CD or DVD with the 2000 lession plans. AMAZING amount of material to use!
A great and fantastic tool and resource for anyone or group to use in planting a new church in an urban area. Even specific info on that!

Everything from:

Micro Business
Drugs and Addiction
Health Urban
Healthy Aging
Urban Gardens
Women's quality of Life
and 1950 more!

Each lesson plan has at least 4 individual lessons which you can adapt to your group and situation.

As the first group in Milwaukee to take the VISION Seminar intro training, you would be among the first to take this additional training.

Group will be limited to 30 participants.

Watch for more info to follow, both here and on the GROUP email.


Monday, October 3, 2011


Oct 28.
9 am -4 pm.
Dear Pastor:

As a church reaching out to the community and your immediate neighborhood, and wanting to make a difference for all eternity, I believe you will be interested in our upcoming Neighborhood Transformation Seminar in Milwaukee on Friday Oct. 28th.

More complete information is in the enclosed pamphlet.

Neighborhood Transformation (NT) trains church lay-people how to enter a nearby poor neighborhood, develop relationships and identify assets already found in the neighborhood in individuals and groups. Then building on these assets, the goal is to see the gospel bring true poverty alleviation over time.

NT seeks to transform individuals and neighborhoods by helping churches address the root causes of poverty, disease and spiritual darkness by training local church people to share the gospel and mobilize neighborhood actions. Neighborhoods identify their assets and take responsibility for their own lives by learning to change things that they want to see changed in their neighborhood. NT is multi-faceted, functioning in urban poor neighborhoods as Community Health Evangelism functions in the developing world.

Stan Rowland, founder of CHE and author of the book Multiplying Light and Truth and Coordinator of The Collaborative for Neighborhood Transformation, will be the presenter and facilitate the seminar. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the experience of one who has catalyzed, equipped, and mobilized teams for Community Health Evangelism and Neighborhood Transformation ministry around the world. He will provide an overview of NT principles and methods, and provide participants with information about how they can initiate and develop NT ministries in their communities.

If you would like to register please go to, and follow the registration link from the home page. The seminar is limited to 30 participants on a first come, first served basis. Due to limited seating, it is recommended that you complete your registration as soon as possible. The deadline for registration is Oct. 20th.

$30 per participant Includes lunch and materials.

For further information, see the website:
or contact Richard at 414-379-1064 or RNDASSOW@ATT.NET

Local information and a live interview of Stan Rowland can be found at

Hoping to see you at the seminar!

Richard Dassow
Coordinator for the Milwaukee Seminar.